About us
There is an incredible sense of enthusiasm and community-spirit amongst Tesla owners (and prospective owners) and a huge amount of knowledge-sharing about vehicle functionality, experiences and lessons learned. But there is no single place you can visit to find holistic, accurate and current information, and answers are often buried deep in forum threads and social media services and can be difficult to locate.
We have therefore created a searchable database of curated articles, written by Tesla owners, for the use of Tesla enthusiasts all over the world.
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Featured Articles
Adverse weather – effect on energy use
This article explains how your energy use may increase under various weather conditions - to help you understand how this affects your car's range and so your journey planning. Introduction Weather conditions affect all types of car but for a Tesla driver there are...
Understanding charging rates
This article explains all of the factors affecting the charging rate to help explain why you are getting slower charging than you expect, or to help with choosing between charging options. Basics The car always charges as fast as it can in the circumstances, so you...
Planning longer trips – energy management
This article provides tips on how to manage trips beyond the single-charge range of the car, aiming for minimum stress and maximum convenience. The task For day-to-day driving - say up to 180 miles/day (or 130 miles/day if you have the 60kWh Model S) - you can simply...
Model S Delivery Timescales and Process
Tesla is unique amongst motor manufacturers in that they wholly own their sales centres (which are more like a shop/store than they are a car dealership). Sales staff are not commissioned on the sale of a car but are rewarded on the customer experience they provide....
What it is really like to own a Tesla Model S
The Tesla Model S is a very unusual motor car (I am starting to sound a little like a Rolls Royce / Aston Martin salesman!) in that it is large (wider than an S-Class Mercedes), beautiful (often mistaken for an Aston Martin or Maserati) and very, very fast (the new...
Beyond the call of duty actions by Tesla staff
Tesla is unique amongst motor manufacturers in that they wholly own their sales and service centres. Sales staff are incentivised to delight rather than earn commission by pressurising potential customers, and Service Centres are operated to make customers happy...